Mandetkene Boutique: Chapter 3, getting to know you
Beyond watching the construction of the store, we wanted to do more in the town to build trust and raise awareness about the purpose of the store. We decided to go door-to-door to survey residents about what they’d like to see in the store. We also decided to do a summer camp, as Amirah and Jenna had done this two summers ago and it worked well. The following recounts these two endeavors. Endeavor #1: Door-to-Door, getting to know people and concerns I think you can really get to know a person by learning what they buy. The short time we spent going door-to-door in Mandetkene, asking people a set of carefully thought out questions, was the time in which I learned the most about the local people. I could tell you which brand of soap they like, what type of oil they use when cooking, and the types of treats they like. We had a different experience in every house we visited. However, after organizing survey responses in excel, we found many common needs and picked out the pop...
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